So what do one (GM TN) do after a disaster free agent to help boost the PR with the fans? How bad was the FA for GM TN? well he had 2 big names within his reach in Blake Wheeler and Phil Kessel, GM TN then made a side deal with Oilers to step out of the Wheeler negotiation. He then had a deal for Phil Kessel, that was until Kessel camp ask for a NMC and GM TN hold into his policy of no NMC and Kessel choose the 2nd best offer from the LA Kings.


So in a move to improve the PR GM TN sat down with the famous Don Draper, a legend within the PR Community. After a few whiskies, they decide to turn to the franchise new face and captain, Sidney Crosby.

But what do one have to do to milk out more of Crosby whom have been the Leagues poster boy for over a decade now, that title probaly belong to Connor McDavid now, especially since he beat out Crosby in the final for the cup this year.


Well the answer is simple, you ask Sidney Crosby who have been wearing number 87 for most of his Life to change to number 98, slap his face and new number on every single billboards in the city with the slogan “Gretzky minus 1″ and it seem to work as people are changing attention from the FA talk to the Sidney Crosby talk. When asked how he felt about the jersey number request change Sidney Crosby said ” I dont mind it, its just a number, its what I will do on the ice that will be far important”.



Well, the PR stunt worked for the Canes and GM TN as the team got alot of covering in the media…


Will “Gretzky minus 1” and company be able to bring home the Cup this upcoming season and silence GM TN critics once and for all? stay tuned to see people.


Im blah, blah, blah signing out…